Commit charge:
1. Run Performance Monitor (Perfmon)
2. Go to Data Collector Sets\User Defined
3. Right click on User Defined and select New
4. Select Create Manually and next
4. Check Performance counter
5. Add the following counters:
Memory\Committed Bytes – Committed Bytes is the amount of committed virtual
memory, in bytes.
Memory\Committed Limit – Amount of virtual memory that can be committed without
having to extend the paging file
Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use – Ratio of Memory\Committed Bytes to the
Memory\Commit Limit
Make sure you collect the information over a long
period (one week at least), and the server is running at peak usage.
The page file size formula should be:
(Max value of Committed Bytes + additional 20%
buffer to accommodate any workload bursts)-RAM size
For example: If the server has 24 GB RAM and the
maximum of Committed Bytes is 26 GB, then the recommended page file will be:
(26*1.2)-24) = 7.2 GB
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