Thursday, July 27, 2023

BASH - VIM - Commit message on Windows 11

 To write a git commit, start by typing git commit on your Terminal or Command Prompt which brings up a Vim interface for entering the commit message.

  1. Type the subject of your commit on the first line. ...
  2. Write a detailed description of what happened in the committed change. ...
  3. Press Esc and then type :wq to save and exit.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Blog Comeback

Been a long time since blogging mostly because security in business does not allow access to blogger, which is a good thing.  Over my 20+ years of software development I have seen security to get it right.  This prevents proprietary code details from being posted.  

However, now I am coming back to write up my new adventure with Java, Spring Boot, React and various databases such as mongo or mysql.  Also, on new tool sets such as JetBrains IntelliJ and Visual Studio Code.  

Robert Dannelly, Jr. 

Senior Software Engineer

Twitter: @moojjoo
Skype: robert.dannelly

Monday, July 10, 2023

Google AdSense help to increase revenue

 Dear Visitor's, please click on an ad or two to help with creating residual income from Google.  I would even be grateful to know if the Ads are tailored to your searches to ensure the Google Adsense are showing Ads related to your personal preference.  Please add comments below.